ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators, represents 43 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 36 countries across Europe. ENTSO-E was established and given legal mandates by the EU’s Third Legislative Package for the Internal Energy Market in 2009, which aims at further liberalising the gas and electricity markets in the EU.
ENTSO-E in figures



+ million citizens served

TWh electricity consumption

km cross-frontier transmission

GWh of electricity exchanged between TSOs

MW net generation capacity
Key Figures 2017
ENTSO-E AISBL is a non-for-profit organisation governed by Belgian law. Its 2017 financial statements are reviewed by KPMG statutory auditors who will issue an opinion at the 25 June 2018 General Assembly. The following figures are non-audited but give a fair view of the activities performed during the year.
M€ - Total Membership fees
M€ - Net result
M€ - Capital expenditures
M€ - Net cash position
Total average FTE
In 2017, the operational expenditures of the Association ended up to 20,9 M€ and addressed the following activities:
- 40% Association member’s services: association governance support, Secretariat administration, strategy and communication;
- 38% Legal mandates’ services: network code implementation, TYNDP, R&D activities;
- 22% IT legal mandates’ services: data and IT infrastructure (Common Grid Model under the network code implementation, Transparency Platform, ENTSO-E Awareness System).
Association member’s services
Legal mandates’ services
IT legal mandates’ services
This year our result is showing a loss of -0,7 M€ driven by the non-budgeted cost of the bidding zone study. These costs were funded from the cumulated reserves of the Association. The 2,7 M€ capital expenditures are mainly related to the Transparency Platform improvement (0,7 M€) and the development of the Common Grid Model (2 M€).
In 2017, the total average full-time equivalent (FTE) ended up at 78,5, which corresponds to an increase of 6 FTEs compared to 2016 and is mainly driven by the adequacy and network code implementation activities. It includes permanent staff, TSOs secondments as well as outsourced “on site” services (such as the IT support services). This is in addition to the numerous TSO staff members who bring their expertise to the Association via the 100 bodies (Assembly, Board, Committees and subgroups).
2018 perspectives
The 2018 Budget was approved on 13 December 2017 by the Assembly, the operational expenditures increasing by 40% compared to 2017, to 28,7 M€. This increase is driven by our legal mandate to develop and maintain the Common Grid Model.
Acronym |
Definition |
Acronym |
Definition |
aFRR | Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves | MAF | Mid-term Adequacy Forecast |
ATOM Network | All TSO network for non-real time Operational and Market-related data | mFRR | Manual Frequency Restoration Reserves |
BRP | Balancing Responsible Parties | MRC | Multi Regional Coupling |
BSP | Balancing Service Provider | MVS | Minimum Viable Solution |
CACM | Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management | NEMO | Nominated Electricity Market Operator |
CBA | Cost-Benefit Analysis | NRA | National Regulatory Authority |
CCR | Capacity Calculation Region | OPDE | Operational Planning Data Environment |
CENELEC | European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation | PCI | Project of Common Interest |
CGM | Common Grid Model | Prosumers | Neologism to designate producers and consumers |
CGMES | Common Grid Model Exchange Standard | RES | Renewable Energy Sources |
DCC | Demand Connection Code | RfG | Requirements for Generators |
DSO | Distribution System Operator | RGCE | Regional Group Continental Europe |
EB | Electricity Balancing | RR | Replacement Reserves |
EDSO | European Distribution System Operators’ Association | RSC | Regional Security Coordinator |
ENTSOG | European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas | SAP | Single Allocation Platform |
FCA | Forward Capacity Allocation | SET Plan | Strategic Energy Technology Plan |
HVDC | High-Voltage Direct-Current | TSC | TSO Security Cooperation |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | TSO | Transmission System Operator |
IEM | Internal Electricity Market | TYNDP | Ten-Year Network Development Plan |
ICS | Incident Classification Scale | XBID | Cross-Border Intraday |
JAO | Joint Allocation Office |