

The Transparency Platform: Information for all market participants

ENTSO-E’s Transparency Platform, specified in Article 3 of Regulation 543/2013, centralises data relating to the generation, transportation and consumption of electricity at European level. The data is collected from data providers, including TSOs and other qualified third parties. Depending on the users’ needs, this data can serve various purposes, such as market analysis, research or trading. In 2017 about 4000 new users registered on the platform, which shows continuous interest in energy market data.

Upon ENTSO-E initiative and users’ request, ENTSO-E developed in 2017 an evolution plan of the Transparency Platform aimed at improving data quality and readability. The plan includes technical upgrades, as well as an update of the Manual of Procedures, a technical guide that ENTSO-E had developed in 2015 as required in Article 5 of Regulation 543/2013, following discussions with ACER and stakeholders.

The upgrade of the platform was divided into two major phases. The first phase, completed in December 2017, involved updates on several data items: actual generation output, aggregated generation per type, consumption unit outages, transmission grid outages, total capacity nominated, commercial schedules, installed capacity by production unit, day-ahead generation for wind & solar, production unit and generation unit outages.

Additionally, in September 2017, the ENTSO-E Transparency User Group conducted a workshop to improve and further clarify the data to be uploaded to the platform. As a result, reports informing of missing data, questionable data quality based on predefined rules or potential delay of publications, will be automatically generated and sent to data providers. The second phase of the evolution plan, covering updates on balancing and redispatching, is going live in April 2018. The next major challenge is to make the platform more user-friendly with a new Graphical User Interface. ENTSO-E, in close cooperation with the Transparency User Group, is already working on the design of the new interface, of which some parts are expected to go live in 2018.

ENTSO-E’s Transparency Platform

Specified in Article 3 of Regulation 543/2013, centralises data relating to the generation, transportation and consumption of electricity at European level.

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